He Vejledning visa, hvordan you Laver et Værktøj, dividing a line in a fixed number of equal parts.
You can download the tool from this guide including. You can access it via “Control værktøjer” or double-click the file, that you download. So you have this tool on your own toolbar.
How to do
- Indtast a line AB VHA. line Mellem 2 points
- Insert a slider on the drawing pad using. sliders-
-tool. Recall slider n, my. = 1, maks. = 50 og Tilvækst = 1.
- Type the following into the input field.
Sequence[ (k B + (n - k) A) / n, k,1,n]
- Now you you færdig, og you shell blot Lave et nyt Værktøj.
English kode
The English kode for Sequence s
Sequence[(k B + (n - k) A) / n, k, 1, n]