Home 1. Getting started Determine the tool bar's location and show toolbar help

Determine the tool bar's location and show toolbar help

Bestem værktøjsbjælkens placering og vis værktøjsbjælkehjælp

Fra GeoGebra version 4 the toolbar help, that tells what to do with the tool, that one has valgt, removed. However, it is possible to choose Help. Additionally, you can determine værktøjsbjælkens location.

How to do

  1. Press Flyt-button.
  2. Press the pinion top right of GeoGebra and select Layout.
    The gear
  3. See option to choose værktøjsbjælkens location and toolbar help.
  4. Tick Vis Værktøjsbjælke.
  5. Press Luk-button.
  6. Select a tool in the tool bar. For example Polygon tool. Now, help is on the right side.
    Værktøjsbjælken vises