Rotate point around another point in the coordinate system

When you turn a point around another point in the coordinate system, then you can do the following:

  1. Choose -button.
  2. Set the point, to be rotated. (punkt A)
  3. Then insert the point, which are rotated about. (point B)
  4. Select 'Rotate object around point by angle'--button.
  5. Now select the point, to be rotated. (punkt A)
  6. Then select the point, which are rotated about. (point B)
  7. Enter the number of degrees, A point to be turned around the B.
  8. Select whether it should be clockwise or counter-clockwise.
  9. Now you have turned a point around another point.

TIP! You can use the input box to enter the points in the coordinate system. Write for example, A =(3,4) to set point A in (3,4). Be aware of, you should use sentence, To use decimal coordinates. For example, A =(3.5 , 4.8).

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