Some commands in GeoGebra is very useful to use, when working in the spreadsheet. You can use the same commands, as you know from the input field.
Below presented just some of the many possible:
=Sum[A1:A5] or = Sum[ <List> ]
= Frequency Table[ <List of Raw Data> ]
= Min[ <List> ], = Min[ <interval> ] or = Min[A1:A5]
= Maximum[ <List> ], = Maximum[ <interval> ] or = Max[A1:A5]
=Q1[ <List of Raw Data> ] or Q1 =[A1:A5] (1. kvartil)
=Median[ A1:A5 ] or = Median[ <List of Raw Data> ]
=Q3[ <List of Raw Data> ] or = Q3[A1:A5] (3. kvartil)
= Medium[A1:A5] or = Medium[ <List of Raw Data> ]
= Random Medium[ <Minimum Heltal>, <Maximum Heltau> ]
= Random Element[ <list> ]
Multiple commands
You can find a list of all commands. The list you will find the input field by pressing the button to the right
Find them, which lends itself to the spreadsheet. Vælg fx punkterne “Regneark”, “diagrammer” eller “Statistik”.
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