Construct a square

You can very quickly construct a square.

There is 2 Ways.

Method 1

  1. Press -icon under polygons.
  2. Press the drawing pad, where points A and B must be. (The distance between A and B is the distance on the pages of your regular polygon.)
  3. Now enter the, how many edges / corners your polygon must have. There are standard 4.
  4. Press OK.

Method 2

This is a method of, when you need to construct a square with a more specific page length, such as is 3.4 long:

  1. Press -icon and then press the drawing pad.
  2. Enter the length of the side length of the square. (husk at bruge punktum -IKKE KOMMA – ved decimaltal)
  3. You have now designed a line AB.
  4. Press -icon under polygons.
  5. Press the drawing pad, where the points A and B is already. (The distance between A and B is the distance on the pages of your regular polygon.)
  6. Now enter the, how many edges / corners your polygon must have. There are standard 4.
  7. Press OK.

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