One can find in GeoGebra center of gravity of a polygon. Ie. the location(CG), where the character's weight is distributed evenly around. One can say, if the figure is set exactly on top of a needle in the center of gravity, then figure balancing on top of the needle.
- Make a random shape using. Polygon tool
. - It is now polygon1.
- Now type the following in the input field (you turn the input field to the submenu show)..
Weigh Point[polygon1]
- Now we have a center of gravity for polygon1. (In the illustration, the point H)
Funktionen kan findes ved at vælge engelsk sprog – under indstillinger – sprog – engelsk.
Then do the following:
- Change language to English. (under indstillinger – sprog – engelsk)
- Make a random shape using. Polygon tool
. - It is now polygon1.
- Write now following input field:
- Now we have a center of gravity for polygon1. (In the illustration, the point H)
- Now you can change spoget back to Danish.