Using input field (you turn the input field to the submenu show) you can very easily find a parabels roots / root, and peak.
- In the input field, write the equation for the function. Write e.g. following:
-2x ² + 4x - 1
- Now draw function on the drawing pad. It now has the name f(x).
- In the input field Using the Tool Extreme[ <Polynomium> ] for at finde toppunktet. Write e.g. following:
Extreme[ f ]
- Nu har du fundet toppunktet. Her er det A(1,1).
FIND Rodder
- In the input field Using the Tool Rhodium[ <Polynomium> ] for at finde Eventuell Rodder / Rod. Write e.g. following:
Rhodium[ f ]
- Nu har du fundet rødderne (point of intersection of x-axis) for Funktionen f. I eksemplet her er det B(0.29 , 0) og C(1.71 , 0).
- Note that the roots and vertex is in algebra.