It is GeoGebra possible before that low their værktøj, which can combine several other værktøj, Figures, programming m.m.
This is done via the menu bar under the point tool. Here you find 3 yderligere menupunkter (Fit menubjælke, Low enjoy værktøj and Control værktøj).
You can download the tool from this guide including. Du kan åbne den via “Styr værktøjer” eller dobbeltklikke på filen, that you download. So you have this tool on your own toolbar.
This tool automatically creates a triangle, Triangle 3 Perpendicular and the circumscribed circle to the triangle.
Author: | |
Date: | Sep 25, 2013 |
How to do
[quote_box_right]Before You Begin, then you should have designed something on the drawing pad. Let's say, that we want a tool, as konstuerer a triangle, 3 Perpendicular and cut the circles into a triangle.[/quote_box_right]
- Construct an arbitrary triangle using. Polygon-
-tool. - Construct a bisector of each triangle 3 pages using. bisector-
-tool. (press tools and then on each side of the triangle) - Find the 3 middle normalized clay intersection with each other using. Skæringer mellem 2 objekter
-tool. - Construct a circle from the intersection punk to one of the corners of the triangle using. Circle ud centrum and point
-tool. - Tryk på punktet “Værktøj” i menuen og derefter på “Lav nyt værktøj”.
- You will now have a panel, that looks like this.
- Select the objects, as your tool should contain(to construct).
- Tryk på knappen “Næste”.
- Now you need to select the objects, you with your tool to construct, the tool konstuerer Output objects (see item 7). It is enough that this is only the 3 points. They are already selected.
- Tryk på knappen “Næste”.
- Now you are almost done.
- Now you need to name your tool, and enter Tools Help and give your tools a command name (for use in, for example the input field).
- You can use an image, as icon. Make sure that the image is square.
- Tryk på knappen “Slut”.
- Now you you færdig.
- Sample at trykke on there Værktøj in værktøjslinjen.
- Press the drawing pad 3 places. DERMed Danne 3 points and the tool makes subsequent automatically a triangle , 3 Perpendicular and a bounding circle.
If you want the new tool to lie on the toolbar forward, then press Settings menu, and then click Save Settings.
Brug your command in the input-feltet
- You shell have Lavet 3 points (The hedder in dette eksempel A,B og C) on tegneblokken Først. Press 3 places on the drawing pad with point-
-tool. - Type the following into the input field.
- Thus forming tool then automatically a triangle , 3 Perpendicular and a bounding circle.
Control your værktøj
Det er muligt i menu-punktet “Styr værktøjer” at Åbne, Gemme and share their værktøj from the second.
Video – Lav værktøjet