Home 3. Intermediate Create a self-correcting function machine

Create a self-correcting function machine

Lav selvretttende funktionsmaskine

It is possible to make an applet automatically marked in GeoGebra, which generates random straight lines and lets you enter the function regulation of these. It is explained in the following guidance.

How to do

  1. Show axes and grid (right click on the drawing pad and select axes / grid).
  2. In the input field, type the following
    a = Random Medium[-5,5]
  3. In the input field, type again following
    b = Random Medium[-5,5]
  4. In the input field, type the following
    a * x   b
  5. Now you have created a function f(x) with a random- and b-values.
  6. Right-click the line of f(x) and select Display Name.
  7. Insert a text on the drawing board using the. Insert Text-button.
  8. Write “Well done!” in the edit box.
    Text Well done
  9. Press OK.
  10. Press Flyt-button.
  11. Press text “Well done!” on the drawing pad.
  12. Press the small arrowPil, which is the sign block.
  13. This will give you back access to additional features.
    additional features
  14. Change letter size to very large.
  15. Now you need to add a new function g(x). (You do this in the input field. This function is later hidden and controlled by button “Insert Text Field”.) Write in the input field:
    g(x)= 0
  16. Right-click the line of g(x) and select Display Name.
  17. Insert text field by pressing Insert Text Field-button and then press the drawing pad.
    Insert Text Field
  18. At the Caption you write “Skriv forskrift for f f(x)=”.
  19. Choose g(x)= 0 for “Hooked object“.
  20. Press “Apply”.
  21. Right click on the text “Well done!” on the drawing pad and select properties.
  22. Under the tab “Advanced” , under “Condition to show object” write f == g
    Condition to show object
  23. It is automatically changed to f ≟ g
  24. Press the junction Crossto close the properties.
  25. Indsæt en knap vha. Insert button-button (in the toolbar).
    Button-new-function-with script
  26. Write “NEW FEATURE” in the Caption field.
  27. Type the following in GeoGebra script field:
    Select the Active Display[1]
  28. Press OK.
  29. Press Flyt-button.
  30. Remove the algebra window (possibly. under the view menu or by pressing the junction Kryds2at algebra)
  31. Press “NEW FEATURE” and write operation regulation of the straight line in the text box.

See and download the assignment here:


Change the color, thickness m.m. for graphs

  1. Press Flyt-button.
  2. Pressure on the graph(line) for f(x).
  3. Press the small arrowPil, which is the sign block.
  4. This will give you back access to additional features.
  5. Change the color, such as blue.
  6. Make the line dotted.

Change the color, font size m.m. the button.

  1. Press Flyt-button.
  2. Right-click the button.
  3. Choose properties.
  4. During the tabs Text, Color and Style can change most things.
  5. Be aware of, to see Colour choosing color, respectively. background color and foreground color by pressing:
    Background Color and Foreground Color