Home 1. Getting started The spreadsheet in GeoGebra

The spreadsheet in GeoGebra

Regnearket i GeoGebra

The spreadsheet in GeoGebra contains several useful statistical tools and commands, I will attempt to articulate and explain below.

About The spreadsheet – generally

The spreadsheet in GeoGebra, see the menu “Show”. The spreadsheet is constantly being expanded. It is made up of cells, columns and rows. Each cell can be described by a name, where you first write the column name and then the number of name. In the picture below, the selected cell hence the name B5, where B stands for column B and 5 the number 5.
Spreadsheets - Cells column-number

One can write 3 things in a cell.

  1. Text (Is automatically left-aligned)
  2. Such (Is automatically right-aligned)
  3. Formulas (Begins with a = )

The spreadsheet “speaks with” the rest of the GeoGebra. This means for example, that if you have a point A on the drawing pad, then you can in a cell type A. This brings the coordinates of A are in the cell. Conversely, you can also write eg coordinates of the cells and subsequent low list of points (see further down in this manual).

Once in a cell, then you can see some additional options for the cell by pressing the small arrow Change Stilbjælke2in style bar next to the text Spreadsheets.
Spreadsheets - Style log and closed cell active

When you press the arrow, so going forward stilbjælken.
Spreadsheets - Stilbjælke

If you press the fx, so you can see, what is the calculation in the cell.
Spreadsheets - Stilbjælke - fx


You can create charts in GeoGebra, but they are not similar to or graphic like the diagrams, as you may know from Excel. However, they are dynamic.

You can find the following diagramvejledninger:

The spreadsheet tools

When you click on a cell in the worksheet, then displays the spreadsheet tools in the toolbar.
Spreadsheets - Værktøjslinjen

Some of these tools are also described in some of the other guides, as you can see below.


Low a list

Virtually identical tools require, that one has made a list of numbers or points. For example, somebody should make a list of numbers, then you can select the cells in the spreadsheet, right-click and then select Low > List

Spreadsheets - Make list

Make a list of points

Virtually identical tools require, that one has made a list of numbers or points. If, for example to make a list of points, then you can select the cells in the spreadsheet, right-click and then select Low > List of items. The picture below shows an example. Notice, that you have to select cells in 2 columns. Cells in 1. column is the x-coordinates and the cells in 2. column becomes y coordinates in the list of points (with coordinates).

Spreadsheets - Make list of items


Commands in the spreadsheet

Some commands in GeoGebra is very useful to use, when working in the spreadsheet. You can use the same commands, as you know from the input field.

Below presented just some of the many possible:


Help in English

wiki.geogebra.org / and / Spreadsheet_View