Home 3. Intermediate Single Variable Analysis of text

Single Variable Analysis of text

Enkeltvariabelanalyse af tekst

It is possible to make single variable analysis not only of numbers, but also of the text. It is perhaps more of a opportunity count of observations than a real analysis. Prepare a bar graph of the count.

How to do

  1. Vis regnearket i GeoGebra. (Findes under menuen Vis).
  2. Enter any number of observations in a column.
    Spreadsheets - Text
  3. Mark cell founders and pres the button Simple Variable Analysis-enkeltvariabelanalyse.
  4. Press the small sprocket Toothed and select “Text”
    Enkeltvariabelanalyse - Text
  5. Press “Analyze”.
  6. Now GeoGebra counted the number of different observations and made a bar chart.
    Spreadsheets - enkeltvariabelanalyse - text - bar chart
  7. Now you have the option to save the bar graph in the clipboard, as picture or drawing pad by pressing the button del-share-gem.