Area and perimeter of circle

How to reach the area and circumference of a circle in GeoGebra can be done in several ways.

Construct the circle first

  1. Construct the first circle using. eg 'circle out from the center and point'--button.
  2. Press 2 places on the drawing pad.
  3. Thus you have now 1 circle on the drawing pad, which is made from 2 points A and B.

Method #1 – Input-feltet


  1. I input-feltet skal du starte på at skrive areal …
  2. Now select the area[ <Polygon> ]
  3. Pressure circle name / letter
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  5. In Algebra window is now through variable a, what area is.


  1. I input-feltet skal du starte på at skrive omkreds…
  2. Now select the Circumference[ <Conic> ]
  3. Pressure circle name / letter
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  5. In Algebra window is now through the variable b, what is the circumference.

Method #2 – Værktøjsbjælken


  1. Select the tool area--button.
  2. Press the circle periphery.
  3. Now the area of ​​the circle on the drawing pad.


  1. Select the tool length--button.
  2. Press the circle periphery.
  3. Now the circumference of the circle on the drawing pad.


Now try to pull the point A or point B. Notice, what happens to the circle area and perimeter.


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