You will learn:
- To draw the diameter of a circle.
- To use the input field.
- To construct a circle.
How to do:
Construction of the circle
- Vælg at lave en cirkel på tegneblokken vha.
-button. - First press in the point, which will be the center of your circle.
- Then, where large radius must be.
- Now you have constructed a circle.
Signs diameter
- Choose
-button. - Put a point on the circle. It does not matter where on the circle, you put the item.
- Select 'Mirror object at point'-
-button. - First press the point at point B on the circle and then point A (center of the circle).
- Now you have constructed points, as the diameter is between, using. mirroring.
- Tegn vha.
-button diameter between point B and point B '. - Now you have subscribed diameter.
Write diameter
- Write in the input field (you turn the input field to the submenu show):
- I algebravinduet står der nu Diameter = …
- Træk vha.
teksten fra algebravinduet over på tegneblokken.
TIP! Du kan omdøbe alle objekter ved at højreklikke på objektet (point, line, cirklen osv.) og vælg ‘omdøb’.
TIP! You can also first construct radius and subsequent mirrors the line in the center. Thus, one may achieve a greater understanding of, what is the diameter.