You can construct a triangle using just circles (The circle is thereby, as appropriate).
- Press
circle out from the center and radius . - Tryk på tegneblokken i det punkt, to be triangle one edge (punkt A).
- Enter, the length of one side must be. (example = 4)
- On the circle, which till recently has emerged, you must now press again (on cirkelperiferien) (point B).
- Enter, hvor lang den anden side skal være. (example = 5)
- I det første punkt, you made, you must now press for the last time.
- Enter, hvor lang den sidste side skal være. (example = 3)
- The, the circle with radius 3 and a circle with radius 5 meet, er det sidste punkt i trekanten.
- Markér dette punkt vha.
-button by pressing the intersection of the 2 Circles. - Nu skal du bare bruge
-knappen til at lave linjerne mellem punkterne, so you get your triangle.