Home 4. Expert Create animation of the Earth's rotation around the sun and the moon around the earth

Create animation of the Earth's rotation around the sun and the moon around the earth

Lav animation af jordens rotation omkring solen og månens omkring jorden

In GeoGebra, it is possible to create simple animation using. sliders. In the example here you will get explained, how to create an animation, showing the earth's rotation around the sun and the moon on the earth.


The applet can be downloaded from ggbkursus.dk's channel on GeoGebratube.org



Lav Animation

  1. Consider whether you need grid .
  2. Put a point in point (0,0) using. New point
  3. Rename point to the Sun..

    Insert sliders

  4. Insert a slider Slider as numerical with 0,10,0.1 and name it ‘Afstand_j'.
  5. Insert a slider Slider as numerical with 0,5,0.1 and name it ‘Afstand_m'.
  6. Insert a slider Slider as numerical with 1,12,1 and name it ‘Months'.
  7. Insert a slider Slider that angle with 0,360,0.5 and only rising and name it ‘Time'.
    Slider-Time Slider-Time Animation


  8. Insert a circle Circle center and radius fra ud Centre and The Sun and radius and type ‘Afstand_j'.
    Circle Distance Earth
  9. Insert a point A using. New point, which is located to the right of the point The Sun and at the intersection of the circle and x-axis.
    Sun and the point A
  10. Turn point using. tool Rotate object around point by angle Turn object on point and enter Time.
    Turn the object around point - Time
  11. Rename it was point Earth.
    Earth aside

    The Moon

  12. Insert a circle Circle center and radius with centrum in Earth and radius and type ‘Afstand_m'.
  13. Insert a line Parallel linjeparallel to the x-axis and passing through point Earth.
  14. Use the tool Logo1and mark the point of intersection between the circle around the earth and the line parallel to the x-axis.
    Earth aside - parallel line
  15. Rotate around the point of intersection Earth using. tool Rotate object around point by angle turn around point object and enter the ‘Months * Time'.
    Turn the object around point - The Moon
  16. Rename it was point to The Moon.
    Almost done
  17. Now you are almost done.

    Turn animation and trace

  18. You can hide point A, point B, and the parallel line.
  19. You could change the 2 circles look to be dashed or hide them completely.
  20. You could change the character of the block background color to black and slide the color to white in their properties.
  21. You could right-click on the item The Moon and select 'Turn on track'.
  22. Right-click on the slider Time and select 'Turn animation'.


The applet should now look something like this ud



Other images

You can use the following pictures or simply color the points The Sun, Earth and The Moon. That brings it to look like the first picture.

Sol Saturn realistic sun realistic moon realistic land Moon Land