Home 2. Just started Construct a regular polygon

Construct a regular polygon

Konstruer en regulær polygon
Polygon is the Greek name for a polygon and the word actually means “many corner”.
In a regular polygon, all sides and angles between them equally.
  1. Press -icon under polygons.
  2. Press the drawing pad, where points A and B must be. (The distance between A and B is the distance on the pages of your regular polygon.)
  3. Enter, how many edges / corners your polygon must have.
  4. Press OK.

TIP! You can algebra read, how much space is on your polygon (hexagon). You can also press -button and then press the polygon.

Greek Danish Comment
Trine Triangle A regular trine it becomes an equilateral triangle.
Tetragon square A regular tetragon it becomes a square.
Pentagon pentagon
Hexagon hex
Heptagon Heptagon
Octagon octagon
Novegon nikant
Dekagon decagon
Pentacontagon Fifty edge
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