Home 2. Just started Construction of the triangle by means of. Polygon tool

Construction of the triangle by means of. Polygon tool

Konstruktion af trekant vha. polygon-værktøjet

You can easily construct a polygon (a polygon) for example, a triangle, do the following:

  1. Tryk button Polygon
  2. Tryk the character pad in the 3 points, which shall be the triangle edges.
  3. Remember to finish by pressing the point, which you started the.
  4. Now you have constructed a triangle.
  5. Try dragging the triangle ends.


  1. Du kan flytte på bogstaverne ved at trække med -tool.
  2. Du kan omdøbe ved at højreklikke på punktet og vælge ‘omdøb’. Then type, hvad punktet skal hedde.
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