You can via the input field (you turn the input field to the submenu show) in GeoGebra define the domain of a function. This is done using. Function[ <Function>, <Start x-Value>, <Final x-Værdi> ].
For fx a førstegradsfunktion
- Sign inputfeltet fx
Function[ 0.5x 3, 0 , 5 ]
- That means, the function 0.5x 3 is drawn in the range [0 ; 5].
- GeoGebra allows even feature a name and start f(x), if the name is not used.
The same can be done for example, a quadratic function
- Sign inputfeltet fx
Function[ -0.5x ^ 2 3 x, 0 , 5 ]
- The function -0.5x ^ 2 3 x thus becomes the character in the range [0 ; 5].
- GeoGebra allows even feature a name and continues g(x) etc., if f(x) used.
All functions can in this way be signed in a bounded interval.
Tip1. First, draw the function via the input field completely normal. Then use the Function[ <Function>, <Start x-Value>, <Final x-Værdi> ] in the range of, relevant. Delete or hide then the first full feature through the algebra.
Tip2. One can use “Intersect between 2 objekter” -button to find the intersection between the functions.
Tip3. If you need, that there's more than 2 decimal places in the equation for the function, as shown in the algebra. Dette kan ændres via instillinger–>rounding.