Home 3. Intermediate Create a pie chart in GeoGebra

Create a pie chart in GeoGebra

Lav et cirkeldiagram i GeoGebra

Se her, how to create a pie chart in GeoGebra. Making a pie in GeoGebra is not as easy, as in most spreadsheet, såsom Microsoft Excel, Libre Office, OpenOffice Spreadsheet, Google spreadsheet others. However, it is not impossible.

How to do:

The spreadsheet you can find by pressing 'Show’ the menu and then on 'Spreadsheets’ (Shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + S)
Input field, you identify by pressing the 'Show’ menu and then 'Input field'.

  1. Blend the axes and the grid.
  2. Enter the values 1,2 and 3 in the spreadsheet, respectively. A1, A2 og A3. (These values ​​are not a necessity and are used in this manual only for clarity)
  3. Enter 3 arbitrary values ​​in each of the cells B1, B2 and B3.
    Circle Diagram 1
  4. Now you need to figure out the sum of all values ​​in column B. Therefore, enter the following in cell B4
  5. Then, convert the values ​​in column B to degrees. Therefore be as follows, respectively. C1,C2 og C3.
    =B1 / B4 * (360)
    =B2 / B4 * (360)
    =B3 / B4 * (360)
  6. Now you need to construct the pie chart.
  7. Vha. Circle ud centrum and point-tool konstuerer a circle on the drawing pad.
  8. Vha. Angle to the given size-Now the tool konstueres 3 pie.
  9. Section #1 -First press the point B and then in the center A.
    pie - Angle to the given size
  10. Section #2 -First press the point B’ og derefter i centrum A. Enter the value C2 °
  11. Section #3 -First press the point B” og derefter i centrum A. Enter the value C3 °
  12. Vha. Circle Excerpt from the center and two points-tool lets you select the 3 pie.
  13. Tryk i A, B,B’.
  14. Tryk A, B’,B”.
  15. Tryk A, B”,B.
  16. You can change the colors of pie slices by pressing Flyt, select a section and then find the colors during Change Style Bar + Drawing pad.
    pie chart - colors for pie
  17. Your pie chart should now look something like this.
    Pie in the GeoGebra




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