Home 3. Intermediate Create pin diagram using. input field

Create pin diagram using. input field

Lav pindediagram vha. inputfeltet

With the spreadsheet and input field in GeoGebra you can quickly fix a pin diagram.

How to do:

The spreadsheet you can find by pressing 'Show’ the menu and then on 'Spreadsheets’ (Shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + S)
Input field, you identify by pressing the 'Show’ menu and then 'Input field'.

  1. Enter values ​​for the x-axis(the hiking right) the worksheet. (fx in column A, type 1,2,3,4 and 5 in cell holders downward)
  2. Enter the values ​​for the y-axis(the lodrett) the worksheet. (fx in column B, type 3,6,8,3 and 1 in cell holders downward)
    Pin diagram showing-Spreadsheet
  3. Mark all cell holders in the worksheet Contains values ​​the.
  4. Højreklik the Notes.
  5. Select 'Low’ and then 'List of points'.
    Pin diagram showing-list of points
  6. In the algebra window, you can now see list1 = {(1,3),(2,6),(3,8),(4,3),(5,1)} and the points A =(1,3),B=(2,6),C=(3,8),D=(4,3) and E =(5,1).
  7. In the character pad, you can also see, that the points have been drawn into.
  8. In the input field, type nu
  9. Now you have developed a new pindediagram.


Pindediagrammet can be created in several different ways. See the different ways by just typing 'pin diagram’ in the input field.