Home 3. Intermediate Create random linear function and a button by. input field

Create random linear function and a button by. input field

Lav tilfældig lineær funktion og en knap hva. input-feltet

Here is a little exercise, which makes 2 variables (a and b) and then draw a linear function, som he bygget op via disse variable.


  1. Turn on the grill (right click on the drawing block and select grid).
  2. Turn on the axes (right-click on the drawing block and select axes).
  3. Type the following into the input field (Find input box under the View menu)

    a =(Random Medium[-5,5])
    b =(Random Medium[-5,5])
  4. Now you have made 2 variables, receiving a random value between -5 and 5. You can switch -5 and 5 out with other values.
  5. Type the following into the input field.
    ax   b
  6. Now GeoGebra drawing a straight line, which has slope a and intersection with the y-axis b.
  7. Hvis you trykker F9 or CTRL + r på tastaturet, så laves nye tilfældige valley for a above b, including Dermed også en ny ret linje.

Indsæt s scarce via input-feltet.

  1. You kan indsætte s scarce, i det som princippet efterligner, som på scarce F9 tastaturet Gor.
  2. Type the following into the input field
    Knap[“NEW FEATURE”]
  3. Højreklik scarce og på på tryk derefter fanebladet scripting.
  4. Skriv following delen i GeoGebra script
  5. Tryk på anvend.
  6. Press Flyt-button.
  7. Press.

Insert a button via Insert button-button.

  1. Insert a new button using. Insert button-scarce i værktøjslinjen. (Tryk et sted på tegneblokken).
  2. Giv the navnet “NEW FEATURE”.
  3. Skriv following delen i GeoGebra script.
  4. Tryk på anvend.
  5. Press Flyt-button.
  6. Press.


Change the color, thickness m.m. for graphs

  1. Press Flyt-button.
  2. Pressure on the graph(line) for f(x).
  3. Press the small arrowPil, which is the sign block.
  4. This will give you back access to additional features.
  5. Change the color, such as blue.
  6. Make the line dotted.

Change the color, font size m.m. the button.

  1. Press Flyt-button.
  2. Right-click the button.
  3. Choose properties.
  4. During the tabs Text, Color and Style can change most things.
  5. Be aware of, to see Colour choosing color, respectively. background color and foreground color by pressing:
    Background Color and Foreground Color