Home 3. Intermediate Regression analysis by stair pyramid

Regression analysis by stair pyramid

Regressionsanalyse ved trappepyramide

Correlations with centicubes

Geogebra can be used to find correlations, This is called regression analysis. This video discloses, how to use this function in GeoGebra.

Study of correlations in a “Trappepyramide”
You can build a model of a staircase pyramid in centicubes. The first three steps of the construction is shown in the drawing.


The steps 4 get the pyramid added another layer.

  • How many centicubes be used for the layer 4?
  • Create a table of the spreadsheet showing, how many there are in centicubes layer 1 to 6.
  • View in a coordinate relationship between the layer number, and number of centicubes in the layer and locate the function regulation.
  • How many centicubes, the very used to build the pyramid of steps 3.
  • Expand the table so that it also shows the relationship between the step number and the total number centicubes, to be used.
  • Draw the graph and check function properly.
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