Home 3. Intermediate How to make a regression analysis

How to make a regression analysis

Sådan laves en regressionsanalyse

Regressionsanalyse handler kort sagt om, you should make an analysis of, hvordan en udvikling bedst kan beskrives. The development can be described using. formal / equation / regulatory. This gives you an idea of, how development “average” develops.

Sometimes things develop in linear (growing at the same value all the time) and sometimes non-linear.


How to do:

In GeoGebra can choose to receive a regressionsannalyse.

  1. View the spreadsheet under the 'Show’ og derefter Regnark (Keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + S).
  2. Enter the values ​​in cells.
  3. As you can see on the picture, so does the values ​​in the B column is not of the same value. It is therefore important to find an average increase
  4. You must select all the numbers.
  5. Then press the small Triangle by -button.
  6. Now you can see the menu.
  7. Så vælger du ‘Two-variable regression analysis’ .
  8. Then comes “Data Source” forward.
    regression data source
  9. Press Analyses.
  10. Now you see the following window:
    Regression- data analysis - Regression analysis
  11. Vælg ‘lineær’ under regression model. (If you are thinking, that it is a linear development. Otherwise test polynomial.)
    Regression- data analysis - Linear regression analysis-
  12. Now you can read the rule / formula / equation for development. In this case y = 2.2x 1.5
  13. That means, the development evolves with 2.2.
  14. You CAN choose to transfer the graph to the drawing pad. You can do this by right-clicking on the graph and select “Copy the characters block” (or any of the other menu items).
    Højreklikpågrafen copies the sketchpad




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