Home 4. Expert Create animation of the ship sailing on the sine wave

Create animation of the ship sailing on the sine wave

Lav animation af skib som sejler på sinusbølge

It is possible to create simple animations in GeoGebra. This guide explains, how you can get a ship to sail on a sine wave.

How to do

  1. Firstly find out, whether to display axes and grid. It is not necessary.

    Insert sliders

  2. Insert Slider A and enter 0, 5 , 0.01
  3. Insert Slider b and enter 0.01 , 2*pi , 0.01 (notice that the maximum value will automatically)
  4. Insert Slider h and enter x(Corner[1]) , x(Corner[2]) , 0.01
  5. Insert Slider k and enter 0 , 2 , 0.01
  6. Insert Slider t and enter 0 , 2pi/b , 0.01 – only increasing (notice that 2pi / b changes)
    Animation-slider-tAnimation slider t changedAnimation slider t animation
  7. Insert Slider α as the angle with the default settings.

    Draw function and point

  8. Write in the input field
    a*sin(b(x t))
  9. Write in the input field point

    Insert Image

  10. Insert an image, you want to be ship. You can use the image, displayed at the bottom of the page.
  11. Find the center of the bottom of the image by pressing Midpoint or center and then at point A and point B.
    1. To insert a picture can be done in many ways.
    2. If there is already 2 points below, so you can find them by typing the following in the input field Corner[ Image1, 1], Corner[ picture1, 2]
  12. Enlarge(Multiplicér) similitude Multiplicér items on point with factor with factor k by clicking on the image and the center point (point C), and then write k.
  13. Turn the picture Rotate object around point by anglearound the midpoint of the value α by clicking on the image (it multiplied) and then the center point (point C).
  14. Insert vector using. vector between 2 points Vector between 2 points at 2 points the center point (point C) and point P.
  15. Swing away image using. tool Parallelforskyd items with factorand then tap the picture and the vector, which was made earlier.
  16. Hide images and other, which could not be seen
  17. Insert a tangent using. tool Tangents in the point P, then the graph of the function f(x)
  18. Type the following in the input field


  19. Now you just right-click on the slider h og vælge ‘Tænd animation’.


Pirate Ship

[wpfilebase tag=file id=12 /]


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