It is possible to create simple animations in GeoGebra. This guide explains, how you can get a ship to sail on a sine wave.
How to do
- Firstly find out, whether to display axes and grid. It is not necessary.
Insert sliders
- Insert Slider A and enter 0, 5 , 0.01
- Insert Slider b and enter 0.01 , 2*pi , 0.01 (notice that the maximum value will automatically)
- Insert Slider h and enter x(Corner[1]) , x(Corner[2]) , 0.01
- Insert Slider k and enter 0 , 2 , 0.01
- Insert Slider t and enter 0 , 2pi/b , 0.01 – only increasing (notice that 2pi / b changes)
- Insert Slider α as the angle with the default settings.
Draw function and point
- Write in the input field
a*sin(b(x t))
- Write in the input field point
Insert Image
- Insert an image, you want to be ship. You can use the image, displayed at the bottom of the page.
- Find the center of the bottom of the image by pressing and then at point A and point B.
- To insert a picture can be done in many ways.
- If there is already 2 points below, so you can find them by typing the following in the input field Corner[ Image1, 1], Corner[ picture1, 2]
- Enlarge(Multiplicér) similitude with factor k by clicking on the image and the center point (point C), and then write k.
- Turn the picture around the midpoint of the value α by clicking on the image (it multiplied) and then the center point (point C).
- Insert vector using. vector between 2 points at 2 points the center point (point C) and point P.
- Swing away image using. tool and then tap the picture and the vector, which was made earlier.
- Hide images and other, which could not be seen
- Insert a tangent using. tool in the point P, then the graph of the function f(x)
- Type the following in the input field
- Now you just right-click on the slider h og vælge ‘Tænd animation’.
Pirate Ship
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