![News in GeoGebra 4.2 Nyt i GeoGebra 4.2](https://i0.wp.com/ggbkursus.dk/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Oversigt-over-nyheder-i-GeoGebra-4.2.jpg?fit=768%2C422&ssl=1)
GeoGebra is the weekend udkommet a new version. You can laesa about nogle af the ændringer and improvements, who have come to. There is enough that being happy in this new version.
Update:At first version, but at the time of writing a new version has been released
Update: Another new version
New in version 4.2 – Small overview
Faster code – Large parts of the code has been written about, making calculations m.m. faster.
Now the long-awaited CAS has arrived in GeoGebra. Here, it is possible to get GeoGebra to e.g. obtain the solution to the equation,, shortening fractions, find out whether a number is prime, m.m.
By features I can mention:
ErPrimtal[ <numbers> ] Next Prime[ <numbers> ] Previous Prime[ <numbers> ] Divisors[ <numbers> ] Divisorliste[ <numbers> ] Divisorsum[ <numbers> ] TilfældigPolynomium[ <Grade>,<Minimum Coefficients>,<Maximum of Coefficients> ]
Try to write “2x 4 = 5x 6” in the CAS window. Do not press Return / Enter, but only in the -button. Thus the equation. You can also use the same method, even if you write other names than x. Example, you can calculate the radius of a circle, If the circumference is provided.
New Tool
Freehand form -button – This button lets you draw a shape in GeoGebra in freehand and then will GeoGebra draw the shape. Signs instance a square in freehand and it will be taken subsequently.
Graphical adjustments
Enjoy desktop icon – Now with white baggrund.
Small adjustments here and there. Eg. fresher icon to “Pen værktøj” .
Grids and axes have now disappeared from the View menu. It may, however, increasingly Finder by højreklikke on “Drawing block” og vælge “Mesh / Axes“.
Derudover there come mulighed to select the desired perspective Axle side af program. Tryk the field Axle page and get a menu up with forskellige Maad that distribute key holders on.
The red field by key founders of værktøjslinjen budding now surrounded af a gray circle.
Change Style Bar – Below the toolbar you can now on the left side, opposite side of the page previously, see the icon the character pad
When you draw with “Pen værktøj” , then there is the style bar with an
knappenål “Absolute position of the screen”. If you click on the, so enlarged / reduced the, which you have subscribed, when you zoom in-
or zoom out-
Button opportunities – It is now possible to use a picture on buttons. Either standard buttons or own image (Choose from file). Find it by right-clicking the button and choosing Properties. Then select the tab “Ask”.
The Save button is gone – Now switch off settings, when, for instance, right-click the Draw block and choose “Drawing pad…” (former properties). Previously created also more confusion than good.
More setting options
There are many new improvements / changes to the setting options.
For example, you can now easily change the layout using. buttons in Properties. Right-click the Draw block and select “PROPERTIES”.
Change between degrees and radians.
New Features
There has been a lot of new features to the input field (you turn the input field to the submenu show). The entire 93 Total. Most of the work on statistics.
See in particular.
Median[ <List of Raw Data> ] Box Plot[ <yOffset>, <ySkalering>, <List of Raw Data> ] Triangle Center[ <Point>, <Point>, <Point>, <numbers> ] TrekantsCurve[ <Point>, <Point>, <Point>, <equation> ] Withered[ ] VisAkser[ ] TælHvis[ <Condition>, <List> ] pindediagram[ <List of points> ]
The analytical tools in the spreadsheet – Single Variable Analysis and Two-variable analysis tools have both been updated.
New keyboard shortcuts – A number of new keyboard shortcuts have been added in the new version.
Java – New JavaScript commands.
Trappediagram – Now you can make stair diagrams using. input field. Skriv fx trappediagram…, you can see the forskellige muligheder.
Input Fault History – Tryk arrow OP in tastaturet og get progressively the seneste come doer.
Værktøjer – Der you now new muligheder for at dele sine term sales værktøjer, as s Lavet during Menuen “Tool”.
Part fx knapper.
Forbedrede værktøjer:
Tore Object – One can steady, reach has valgt “Tore object”, tap on objects to remove them. What is new is, that you can drag your mouse across the drawing block and delete objects or parts of the drawn objects.
Crossings between two objects – The button is now also between objects and accounted (using.
) objekter.
Several improvements and changes to the buttons with vectors.
You can find a list of all the updates on the following link: