Home 1. Getting started Determine the input field location

Determine the input field location

Bestem input-feltets placering

It may, if you teach via an interactive whiteboard or projector, be an advantage, the input field located at the top of GeoGebra. Thus, the observers also, what to write in the input field. By default, the input field namely located at the base / bottom of the GeoGebra. You can determine the input field's location by making the following.

How to do

  1. Press Flyt-button.
  2. Press the pinion top right of GeoGebra and select Layout.
    The gear
  3. See the settings for input field.
  4. Select the input field must be placed at the top placering af input-feltet øverstor bottom placering af input-feltet nederst.
  5. Press Luk-button.


Save the setting

If you want the input field to be on top forward, then press theSETTINGS menu, and then click Save Settings.

