Home 2. Just started Area and perimeter of circle

Area and perimeter of circle

Areal og omkreds af cirkel

How to reach the area and circumference of a circle in GeoGebra can be done in several ways.

Construct the circle first

  1. Construct the first circle using. eg 'circle out from the center and point'-Circle ud centrum and point-button.
  2. Press 2 places on the drawing pad.
  3. Thus you have now 1 circle on the drawing pad, which is made from 2 points A and B.



Method #1 – Input field


  1. In the input field, start typing area …
  2. Now select the area[ <Polygon> ]
  3. Pressure circle name / letter
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  5. In Algebra window is now through variable a, what area is.


  1. In the input field, start typing circumference…
  2. Now select the Circumference[ <Conic> ]
  3. Pressure circle name / letter
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  5. In Algebra window is now through the variable b, what is the circumference.

Method #2 – Toolbar


  1. Select the tool area-Area-button.
  2. Press the circle periphery.
  3. Now the area of ​​the circle on the drawing pad.


  1. Select the tool length-Length-button.
  2. Press the circle periphery.
  3. Now the circumference of the circle on the drawing pad.


Now try to pull the point A or point B. Notice, what happens to the circle area and perimeter.
