Home 3. Intermediate Randomness



Below is a list 3 Features of GeoGebra, which makes it possible to work with the subject randomness in education. The functions can be used in the input field, the worksheet, and when codes such as buttons.

How to do

Random Medium[ <Minimum Heltal>, <Maximum Heltau> ]

Is a function, which allows to obtain GeoGebra scoring tilfældigetal integer between a minimum- and the maximum value. Both inclusive.

  1. Write in the input field
    Random Medium[1,6]
  2. Press F9 on the keyboard to get the feature to generate random values.


Random Element[List]

This function allows you to select random value from a predetermined list. First you make the list, and then use the function.

  1. You should make a list first. Write in the input field
    List1 = {-3,00,02,4,7,10,12}
  2. Use the
    Random Element[List1]
  3. Press F9 on the keyboard to get the feature to generate random values ​​from the list.


TilfældigPolynomium[ <Grade>, <Minimum Coefficients>, <Maximum of Coefficients> ]

Ability to create random functions.

  1. Type the following into the input field
  2. Press F9 on the keyboard to get the feature to generate random values



  • When you have written something of the function name, then comes GeoGebra automatically with suggestions. Press Enter on your keyboard to select the proposal.
  • Use the arrow to the right and left arrow to move between the setting options for the functions.
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