Home 2. Just started Construction of the isosceles triangle

Construction of the isosceles triangle

Konstruktion af ligebenet trekant

An isosceles triangle is characterized by the following:

Definition of the isosceles triangle
Ligebenet trekant

  • When a triangle has exactly 2 angles of the same size, called the isosceles.
  • When a triangle has exactly 2 pages with the same size, called the isosceles.





In this guide Segment between two points-button to konstuere the sides of the triangle, but you can make it a little faster (point 5-7 can be skipped) using “Polygon” Knap - Polygon-button.

  1. Press “line segment between two points” Segment between two points-button.
  2. Set aside the bottom side of the triangle.
  3. Press “bisectorMiddle Normal-button.
  4. Press the bar. (Now constructed perpendicular bisector)
  5. Press “line segment between two points” Segment between two points-button.
  6. Press A and then somewhere on the perpendicular bisector. (Now constructed point C)
  7. Press B and then point C.
  8. Press Flyt-button. (shortcut Escape)
  9. Right-click on the perpendicular bisector and select “Show object” (This hides the).
    Show object
  10. Choose “Angle” Angle-button.
  11. Press points in the following order A – C – B
  12. Press points in the following sequence C – B – A
  13. Touch points in the following order B – A – C
  14. Choose “Length” Length-button.
  15. Press all 3 sides of the triangle.
  16. If you want, the triangle is filled, then pres the polygon Knap - Polygon-button and press all three points the triangle and end with the first point, As you press. Example A – B – C – A.
  17. Press Flyt-button. (shortcut Escape)
  18. Try pulling the point C and see, what happens.